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Item details:
- Year:2011
- Edition:1
- Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Learning
- Language: English
- Pages: 512 / 530
- ISBN 10: 0763771007
- ISBN 13: 9780763771003
- File: PDF, 3.70 MB
Aphasia and Related Cognitive-Communicative Disorders
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. In Aphasia and Related Cognitive-Communication Disorders, renowned author Albyn Davis gives graduate students and others pursuing a clinical career in adult language disorders, a comprehensive, up-to-date look at theory and practice in a balanced treatment of impairment-based and communication-based disorders. Written in a relaxed writing style, the book presents topics in an organized, logical progression that first provides an understanding of a disorder, next discusses assessment and diagnosis, and then treatment. Included are explanatory “walk-throughs” to make challenging concepts clear plus coverage of special topics including therapeutic software and other technologies, levels of evidence, neuroplasticity, new medical treatments, quality of life, and primary progressive aphasia.